Welcome To Your First Real Health Transformation.

Join the Health Misfits today!





About Us

Health Misfits

At Health Misfits we look to normalize your health and wellness related issues to make you more confident in overcoming your own challenges and obstacles with systems built specifically for you by our coaches.

Our coaches will prioritize your systems and beliefs around your current situation to bridge the gap to your desired life.

You reaching your goals will become a byproduct of the simple sustainable systems we put in place in your life.


Students helped with this program

How we view

Your Health

We break up your health into its 4 pillars. Giving you knowledge that we then will develop into skills for all 4 areas of your health.


Teaching you how to consciously eat and pick your food. Food that is right and is key for your psychical & mental state.


Teaching you how to move your body again. Skipping the painful and stressed out workouts while making it enjoyable for you everyday.


Teaching you how to sleep is a skill that we all need to learn in order to adapt to our changing world. Whether you know it or not.


Teaching you how to stop. Allowing yourself a moment to disconnect and give yourself a moment to breath and recharge.

Why becoming a Health Misfit will finally work for you

The Right System

The right system means the right steps in the right order.

The Right Support

The right support means someone to help encourage you when you’re feeling stuck.

The Right Accountability

The right accountability is a kick in the butt when you’re falling off track. You just need to be reminded why.


What They Say

Listen to what our past and current students have said about their personal transformations in their own health.

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Alex Patti

Consectetuer nisi si magnis erat ligula vulputate sit sapien duis integer. Cubilia class blandit dapibus phasellus eu dui fermentum amet. Dis dapibus porttitor ullamcorper turpis pharetra vestibulum auctor iaculis neque efficitur.

Mark Swaggard

Consectetuer nisi si magnis erat ligula vulputate sit sapien duis integer. Cubilia class blandit dapibus phasellus eu dui fermentum amet. Dis dapibus porttitor ullamcorper turpis pharetra vestibulum auctor iaculis neque efficitur.

C.C. Weatherly

Office: Austin, Texas

Call 512-488-6968

Email: support@healthmisfits.com

Site: www.healthmisfits.com

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